Fast Order

Mobile Wifi Broadband "On The Go" at home, car, apartment, office and meeting. Use for Work from Home, Virtual online learning, Home internet and Car Wifi hotspot. Easy to use and instantly connected.

Cover all city in Indonesia and Free delivery service.

For same day order, please contact our Advisor directly via this link.

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4G WiFi Indonesia Weekly 20GB
Rp. 199.000 / week Rp. 250.000 / week

Big Quota 20GB for 7 days
Coverage in Indonesia (Nationwide) for 7 days

  • Data : Big Quota 20GB for 7 days
  • Speed : 4G LTE Network up to 20 Mbps data speed
  • Device Sharing : Up to 5 devices
  • Battery Life : 15 – 20 Hours (5000 mAh) 
  • Package Includes Mobile WiFi, Battery, USB Data Cable, Guidebook, Pouch, Adapter
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4G WiFi Indonesia Unlimited Monthly (Mobile Broadband)
Rp. 349.000 / month Rp. 500.000 / month

Unlimited Quota with FUP 50 GB/30 days (After reach FUP, speed will goes to 3G speed with no data limit).
Wifi "On The Go" at home, office and meeting.
Coverage in Indonesia (Nationwide) for 30 days.

  • Data : Unlimited with Fair Usage Policy (FUP) applies to your daily data allowance. If the data you use exceeds 50 GB per 30 days, the connection speed will be throttled down to 3G speed, which is still good for chatting/lite web browsing/social media.
  • Speed : 4G LTE Network up to 20 Mbps data speed
  • Device Sharing : Up to 5 devices
  • Battery Life : 15 – 20 Hours (5000 mAh) 
  • Package Includes Mobile WiFi, Battery, USB Data Cable, Guidebook, Pouch, Adapter
  • No activation fees incurred
  • No contract is required


Gunakan Mobile Broadband dari JavaMifi untuk kegiatan Internet kamu sehari-hari. Paket sudah termasuk biaya sewa mobile Wifi (tidak perlu membeli) dan kuota internet Unlimited tanpa batas. 

Bayar melalui kartu kredit / kartu debit Visa & Mastercard untuk mendapatkan promo gratis biaya deposit modem.

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JavaMifi Auto - Indonesia Unlimited 20GB
199000 Rp. 500.000 / month

Big Quota 20GB for 7 days, coverage in Indonesia (Nationwide). Rental wifi mobil pengganti tethering.

  • Data : Big Quota 20GB for 7 days
  • Coverage : Nationwide (works well in both main city & rural area)
  • Speed : 4G LTE Network up to 20 Mbps data speed
  • Device Sharing : Up to 5 devices
  • Battery Life : 15 – 20 Hours (5000 mAh) 
  • Package Includes Mobile WiFi, USB Data Cable, Guidebook, Pouch, Adapter

Price per 7 days

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JavaMifi Auto - Indonesia Unlimited 50GB
349000 Rp. 500.000 / month

Unlimited Quota with FUP 50 GB/30 days (After reach FUP, speed will goes to 3G speed with no data limit).

  • Data : Unlimited with Fair Usage Policy (FUP) applies to your daily data allowance. If the data you use exceeds 50 GB per 30 days, the connection speed will be throttled down to 3G speed, which is still good for chatting/lite web browsing/social media.
  • Coverage : Nationwide (works well in both main city & rural area)
  • Speed : 4G LTE Network up to 20 Mbps data speed
  • Device Sharing : Up to 5 devices
  • Battery Life : 15 – 20 Hours (5000 mAh) 
  • Package Includes Mobile WiFi, USB Data Cable, Guidebook, Pouch, Adapter

Price per 30 days

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Rent the Best 4G Global Wifi to connect anywhere around the World. Cover more than 200 countries including Indonesia. Best deal start from IDR 25K/day, No hidden cost, Free Delivery & Return all over Indonesia.

For same day order, please contact our Advisor directly via this link.

Choose Country :
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The first eSIM Traveling in Indonesia. JavaSIM eSIM brings new technology of Global connectivity with digital SIM in more than 200 Countries. Easy to use, no SIM Change required. Just scan the QR code and you are good to go to traveling around the world.

Ensure your smartphone have eSIM feature to use JavaSIM eSIM. Check with our Advisor if you need any assistant via this link.

All Product


Best International SIM Card you can get directly from Indonesia. One JavaSIM Card Cover 200+ Countries. Free delivery all over Indonesia. No registration needed, Just plug & play. 100% Money back guarantee.

For same day order, please contact our Advisor directly via this link.

PROMO Umroh SIM 9 Days
Rp 200.000 Rp 250.000


Connect Anywhere Anytime
Around The World

Bring Internet to your hand anywhere you go in the World

Cover More Than 200 Countries.

We are connected with multi Global Wifi partner in every Country across the world to give the best service and ensure you stay connected wherever you travel!

And many more..


JavaMiFi is Internet Solution Company that focuses to provide high technology Mobile WiFi and Travel SIM for Indonesian travelers who going abroad, Indonesian people who needs unlimited internet to work from anywhere in Indonesia, and also world travelers/business people who are going to Indonesia. We are a Tech Company that commit to always provide the high quality product with excellence services such as 24 hour fast response Technical Assistant and 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Best Network

We partnership with the best network operator both in Indonesia as well as in more than 200 Countries. Our technology with Cloud sim system and Multioperator enable users automatically to get the best provider in any location.

Unlimited Quota

Internet Service at low, flat daily rate.
No roaming, Unlimited data package to be enjoyed.

Easy to Use & Secure

Just connect Wifi or plug in Travel SIM and start to browse.
Wifi device is secured by a WPA2 encrypted password to keep you data safe.

Multi Country & Device

One Device can be used in any Countries in the World.
Use in Multiple Countries and Connect with Multiple Devices.
Enjoy with family & friends!

No Hidden Cost

Price is including any charges, No hidden fee.
Free Cancellation at any time before device pick up at Airport
or deliver to your address.

Free Delivery & Return

Free Delivery & Free Return fee to any city in Indonesia or
you can simply pick up & return at Airport Point.

24 Hours Support

Friendly & Helpful Support Center with 24 Hours standby
for your assistance during your rental.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Services is our core business.
Our committed to give you the best services whatever it takes!.

How To Book


Select the dates you want to rent the device, fill the necessary information and confirm your rental.


Get your Wifi / SIM on your Address / hotel / Villa / AirBnB or you can pick up the device at the Airport.


Return your wifi in the nearest convenience store from your location. We partner with Indomaret all over Indonesia for return services. Also, you can return the wifi in our Airport booth.

Testimonial JAVAMIFI

This is how our customer told about our services, here they are.

Internet Luar Negeri untuk para Traveller dan internet Indonesia untuk Work from Anywhere

Seiring perkembangan teknologi, kebutuhan berkomunikasi melalui internet merupakan kebutuhan “primer” baik ketika kita di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri. Saat ini banyak sekali aksesoris-aksesoris pelengkap yang ditujukan untuk mendampingi gadget utama yang biasa kita gunakan. Salah satunya adalah MiFi yang kini semakin populer di tanah air.

Fungsinya sebagai mobile Wi-Fi hotspot, jadi perangkat MiFi akan terhubung dengan jaringan selular sehingga ia akan memiliki koneksi internet. Lalu, koneksinya tersebut dibagikan lagi kepada perangkat lain seperti smartphone, laptop, tablet, atau yang lainnya melalui jaringan WiFi. Sehingga, mereka yang punya perangkat MiFi akan mempunyai jaringan WiFi pribadi yang bisa dibawa kemana-mana.

Ini jelas akan sangat membantu untuk menghemat pengeluaran untuk biaya internet bagi orang yang punya banyak gadget sekaligus, terutama jika sedang di luar negeri, dimana mereka hanya perlu membeli satu paket internet luar negeri (seperti: internet Jepang, internet Eropa, internet Korea, internet Singapura, internet amerika, dll) untuk kemudian digunakan oleh beberapa perangkat secara bersamaan.

Bayangkan ketika kita berpergian ke luar negeri dan tidak memiliki internet luar negeri maka akan mengalami banyak kesulitan. Sebagai contoh ketika kita travelling ke Jepang dimana semua tulisan di papan penunjuk jalan bertulisan kanji maka kita sangat membutuhkan sewa internet Jepang di Java Mifi untuk dapat meng-akses maps dan menemukan rute bus atau kereta yang sesuai. Contoh lain, ketika kita travelling ke Eropa yang mana biasanya keliling beberapa negara sekaligus maka dengan sewa modem Eropa di Java Mifi kita bisa menikmati internet tanpa batas dengan multi operator di semua Negara di Eropa.

Era sekarang, tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa internet merupakan suatu kebutuhan primer yang wajib kita miliki kapanpun dan dimanapun. Selain untuk sewa modem luar negeri, Java Mifi juga memiliki produk MiFi Indonesia. Produk ini memberikan “freedom” untuk dapat mengakses internet dari mana saja di Indonesia.

Produk ini dilengkapi dengan cloud sim, sehingga ada 3 operator sekaligus berada dalam MiFi ini dan MiFi Java Mifi ini automatis akan langsung terhubung dengan salah satu provider terkuat di tempat kalian berada. Jadi jangan kaget ya jika kalian dalam satu hari berpindah-pindah tempat maka operator nya juga akan berubah mengikuti sinyal terkuat di tempat kalian berada.

Terus, cara menggunakannya bagaimana? Yaa gampang aja! Kita tinggal sewa modem luar negeri atau sewa modem Indonesia di website Java Mifi, kemudian nyalakan MiFi, dan hubungkan MiFi atau modem ke perangkat smartphone atau laptop, lalu kita bisa mulai internetan deh dimanapun kita berada baik di pelosok Indonesia maupun di luar negeri! Simpel, kan? Kalian bisa sewa modem Jepang, sewa modem Eropa, sewa modem Korea, sewa modem Australia, sewa modem Asia, sewa modem Amerika, atau sewa modem Indonesia.

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Internet Solution for Indonesia Travel Wifi

Along with the development of technology, the need to communicate via the internet is a "primary" need both at home and abroad. Currently, there are a lot of complementary accessories that are intended to accompany the main gadgets that we usually use. One of them is MiFi which is now increasingly popular in the country.

Its function is as a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot, so the MiFi device will be connected to the cellular network so that it will have an internet connection. Then, the connection is shared again with other devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, or others via a WiFi network. So, those who have MiFi devices will have a private WiFi network that can be carried anywhere.

This will obviously be very helpful to save spending on internet costs for people who have many gadgets at once, especially if they are abroad. In this case, they only need to buy one internet package abroad (such as: Japanese internet, European internet, Korean internet, Singapore internet, American Internet, etc.) and all this MiFi can be used by multiple devices simultaneously.

Imagine when we travel abroad and do not have any internet, we will experience many difficulties. For example, when we travel to Japan where all the writing on the signposts are written in Japan Language, we really need an internet connection to be able to access maps and find the appropriate bus or train route. Another example, when we travel to Europe which is usually around several countries at once, then by renting a Europe modem on Java Mifi we can enjoy unlimited internet with multi operators in all countries in Europe.

In today's era, it is undeniable that the internet is a primary need that we must have anytime and anywhere. In addition to foreign modem rental, Java Mifi also has Indonesian MiFi products. This product provides “freedom” to be able to access the internet from anywhere in Indonesia. This product is equipped with a CLOUD SIM, so there are 3 operators at once in this MiFi and the MiFi will automatically connect directly to one of the strongest providers where you are. So don't be surprised, if you move around one day, the operator will also change according to the strongest signal where you are. So, how to use it? Yes, it's easy! We just have to rent a modem abroad or rent an Indonesian modem on the Java Mifi website, then turn on MiFi, and connect the MiFi or modem to a smartphone or laptop device, then we can start surfing wherever we are, both in remote parts of Indonesia and abroad! Simple, right? You can rent a Japan router, rent a Europe router, rent a Korea router, rent an Australia router, rent an Asia router, rent an America router, or even rent an Indonesia router.

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